Thursday, December 4, 2008

One Word........ BUSY!!!

Yes that one word seems to sum it all up.LOL Both boys are home Matthew came home on November 14th and Brody on November 24th. We have been busy trying to get a routine down, the key word here is trying.

They definetly have different personalities, Matthew wants everything yesterday and Brody is very patient. We are all loving them dearly and they have fit right in with the family! Their weights as of November 26 are Matthew 5lbs 4oz and Brody 4lbs 9oz.

The rest of the kids are getting excited for the holiday season. Josh and Aubreigh right now unfortunetly have bad colds and so in order to keep the twins healthy I have become militant about hand washing and using sanitizer. Also Aubreigh has to refrain from kissing the boys which until her cold was an hourly occurence :)

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Doing Great!!

Both boys are doing very well!! They have both started taking a bottle and almost all of their feeds by bottle. Brody weighs 3# 9oz and Matthew weighs 4# 8oz. We were told last night to expect them home very soon!! I always thought that they were fraternal twins but after seeing this picture and all the nurses asking I'm not so sure, they maybe identical.

Monday, November 3, 2008

They have Arrived!!

Yes! We have 2 new little ones!! Welcome to the world Brody Randolph 3# 6oz & 16 1/4" and Matthew Harry 4# 4oz & 17 3/4". They were born October 29th at 7:03 & 7:04 by c-section. We joked that they wanted to be here to watch the Phillies win the world series! They are both doing very well in the NICU and we hope that they will be home for Thanksgiving. I will post what happened for them to come at 32weeks 3days when I have a little more time. Please keep them in your prayers that they continue to do well and come home soon.


Matthew (who is no longer on any oxygen)

Thursday, October 23, 2008

31weeks 4days

Boy getting into the home stretch!! And not anytime too soon I'm starting to feel miserable by evening. Mornings are great but I'm worn out by evening. And maternity clothes are becoming very uncomfortable! Give me my XL sweats and Bruce's XL t-shirt and I'm happy. I now only get dressed in jeans when I have to leave the house and soon I don't know if that will be even possible as the maternity clothes are getting tight and I'm not buying bigger sizes.

At last weeks appt I had gained 26lbs, so doing well. Its getting harder to eat much as there is little room for food. Also both babies were breech with their heads together in my right rib. I believe now thought that Baby A has gone back to head down.

Oh and lucky me was able to finally get the car seats I wanted!!! That was the last thing I needed before the twins arrived. Seems so surreal that both of these will have a little one in them soon.

And here are the seats in the stroller.

Fall sports have just about come to an end for us here. Jacqueline and Josh are done and Sam has her last game tomorrow. Things will be settled down for a few weeks until the twins come and the holidays gear up.

As for my dad he is doing much better and was able to go back to the rehab hospital, where he is getting all the therapy he needs to come home. He hasn't been home since July 29th. I know my mom is so looking forward to having him home. It will be nice that he will be able to be home for the holidays.

Bruce's grandmother passed away this week. She had been sick so now we know she is no longer suffering. She can now be happy and see her husband again. RIP Mom Mom!! You will be missed.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

29w 3d & Happy Birthday Dad!

Sorry to be dragging on updating my blog. This is such a busy time with the kids sports and school. I'm doing well and so are the babies! Last week(28w 3d) I had a growth scan done and Baby A weighs apprx. 2lbs 4oz and Baby B weighs apprx. 2lbs 8oz. They both looked great and Baby A was head down and Baby B was breech. I didn't get any pictures though from the ultrasound. So still they are kicking each other in the head. Soon I will start weekly doctors visits and NSTs (non-stress tests). As of now if Baby B stays breech it looks like I will have a c-section.

I bought our first piece of baby equipment. The Graco Duo Quattro stroller in the Rittenhouse pattern. It has matching car seats but they are on backorder every where until the end of October. I'm just crossing my fingers they aren't delayed any longer. Of course I have to pick the pattern that is the hardest to get!

Today is also a very special day in our family, its my dads birthday and even though he isn't big on celebrating it, it is a special one because he is here to celebrate it with us. So Dad "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" We love you!!! - Glitter Graphics

Thursday, September 11, 2008

25w 4d

Well moving right along with a few bumps. Last week I spent 2 days in hospital for pre term labor. They put me on an IV of mag sulfate to stop the contractions and I got 2 steriod shots for the babies lungs incase they decided to arrive. All is good now and they were able to stop the contractions and the babies are still safe inside cooking. I was sent home and told to rest and am taking procardia to control the contractions. I have been doing well since coming home. At 24 weeks it would have been way too ealry for them to arrive.

So after being in the hospital I thought that I bettter start doing some things to get ready for the twins arrival. I started to wash newborn clothes and figure out what else in clothes I will need. I still need to order the carseats, stroller, nursing pillow and front carrier. I guess I better get on that soon.

Continued prayers for my dad are much appreciated as he has yet another set back that put him back in the ICU and had to have another surgery. He just can't seem to catch a break. I'm truly amazed by the human body and the strength my dad has to keep fighting!

And a rare bare belly picture, yes those are stretch marks and not from this timeyet!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Vacation pictures

Getting ready to go fishing

Jacqueline and Josh practicing

Aubreigh and her cousin Ethan practicing too

All the kids in the hot tub